In the 1970s when the number of students increased
considerably, the KGF Boy’s School building in Nandydroog Mine was unable to
accommodate all the students. A decision was then taken to bifurcate the School
into two entities.
It was a huge beautiful stone bungalow with a wrought Iron Stair case and solid carved stone pillars surrounded by about one and half acres of land This Bungalow could accommodate classes 8 to 10 and was renamed as The Lindsay Memorial High School after him.

The Junior
School for Standards 1 to 7 functioned at the same premises in Nandydroog Mine and came to be known as The Parkinson Memorial School after Mrs
Parkinson who was the Head Mistress from mid 1920s to the late 1940s.
The High School or BGML BOY’S HIGH SCHOOL was shifted to a huge bungalow in Mysore
Mine / Marikuppam . This bungalow was earlier the residence of Mr J.K. Lindsey
who was a former Managing Director of the Mines during the days of the John
Taylor and Sons Company.
It was a huge beautiful stone bungalow with a wrought Iron Stair case and solid carved stone pillars surrounded by about one and half acres of land This Bungalow could accommodate classes 8 to 10 and was renamed as The Lindsay Memorial High School after him.

The high standard of education imparted in the KGF Boy’s School was
maintained right through the years ever since the inception of the School and
is evident from this Extract from a School Inspection Report by the Joint D.P.I. dated 14th
August 1982, which is appended hereto:
However, after a few years, the High School was again
shifted back to the old school premises in Nandydroog Mine (The Parkinson
Memorial Premises). The beautiful old bungalow that housed the High School lay
abandoned for some time till it became the office of the SC ST Association in
Mysore Mine.
Mr. Lindsay’s Bungalow which housed the Lindsay Memorial
School, now lies in shambles. The walls are crumbling and the doors and
windows have been plundered for firewood. The wrought iron stair way was
dismantled and no one knows who stole it. The whole building has been
vandalized and only the stone structure remains as a grim reminder of the
erstwhile school which used to hum with the voices of a thousand little boys.
Dear all, I Ramesh. S. had studided from 8th std to 10th std, completed my 10th std in the year 1979.Mr.shyammna,was my head master my social & NCC master was Mr. Venugopal Rao, & Mr. Balakrishna Reddy my PT master. When I saw just now my school status. I felt upset,how the Indian government not preserved remarkable school,words.falis express, how the school was & each every room I now very we'll, it's like me as our heaven as collapsed like. Ramesh. S. Contact No. 8197680616,9148379832.Property Manager. Bangalore.