
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Oogaum Library

This is the gate leading to the Oorgaum Library and the Oograum Hall. English Movies were screened at the Oorgaum Hall for discerning minority who loved to watch English Films. The Popular movies in those days were, Ben Hur, Is Paris burning?, Bridge on the River Qwai, The Bible and later, My Fair lady, The Sound of Music, To Sir with love, Mary Poppins, etc to name a few.

The Oorgaum Library stocked books on various genre.


  1. Yes I can remember going to Oorgaum Hall Picture House virtually once a week.

    I can remember most of those films and going to see them.

    The only film that I was unable to see was "Helen of Troy" due to the large crwds that cued to see it.

    I think the film that I did not enjoy was "Macbeth" which we went with the KGF School

    Peter Mollan, York, England

  2. Hello,I was reading your writeup on Ooregaum Hall,and this brought back a lot of memories.
    I used to live in KGF (Top Line) and i worked in the electrical dept which was opp the cinema in the late 1950's,my girl friend now my wife and myself never missed a change over of a movie i think this was on a wednesday of each week i may be wrong,my father installed the first cinemascope movie projecter in this cinema and the first cinemascope movie that was shown was A Star is born and the hall was packed out.A lot of good times were had at this hall and i still tell my children all that went on in KGF.Now that i have some photos they can see the sad old place.
